Chuck E Cheese vs. the BMW

Admit it, the first image that comes to mind when you read " Chuck E Cheese vs. the BMW " has something to do with oversized rodent carnage and tire tracks. If you're over the age of eight, the BMW automatically wins in this scenario. Hands down. As visually oriented as I am and as satisfying that image happens to be, this is a different story. I recently described myself as a duck with one foot nailed to the floor, wearing a circular groove in the floor. I've often used the un-nailed foot to kick my own ass for making mistakes, saying the wrong thing, failing to meet my own expectations, not having the answers, losing my temper, blah blah blah. For the last few months, I've been actively taking steps to loosen that nail. It turns out, I've had the tool in my hands all along -- a hammer. I was just accustomed to using it to ensure that darn nail would keep my flappy foot firmly fastened. I looked more closely at that hammer, turned it around in my hands only...